Ridgeline Community Organization (RCO)
Parent Council Meeting Minutes
March 3, 2015
Approximately 14 parents attending
** Parent education session presented by Curtis, Stephanie and Betsy on their respective programs (counseling, music and PE).
**DDD current total is $25,224. Goal is to have $30K raised by Spring Break.
**The next two RCO meetings will not have a parent education session, but instead be focused entirely on fundraising planning.
**Upcoming events include a groundskeeping work party, parents night out, and jog-a-thon.
**4J has approved the enrollment increase (brought about by full-day kindergarten next year)
**The Board is seeking to fill 2 vacancies, particularly people with experience in fund raising or legal matters.
RCO Business (Rhonda and Christine)
-DDD current total is at $25,224.
-Nearly $6,000 was brought in during the spaghetti dinner in February.
-One potential goal would be to aim to have $30K raised by Spring Break.
-eScrip enrollment during the spaghetti dinner was very successful.
-T-shirt sales update: pre-ordered shirts are now available. Another pre-order will be made available just prior to the jog-a-thon. Shirt sales are not significant source of funds, but they are seen as a great community-building element. One concern was raised about T-shirt sales “feeling” like a fund-raising donation – when it’s not actually a moneymaker. The sales of T-shirts could instead be advertised as a community building, rather than a donation. Timing will be chosen to not conflict with the Jog-a-thon.
-Blog update: Possibly use the Facebook page instead of the Blog, since there is not as much traffic on the Blog.
-Curbing: there are spaces available for curbing on Fridays.
-Potentially host the “Alumni discussion” (former Ridgeline students) as a separate event from the April RCO meeting. This would allow for more time in the April RCO meeting for fundraising discussions. Potentially include the incoming kindergarten families in this meeting.
-Jog-a-thon: May 15th on Friday on the Rexius trail between Fox Hollow and Snell; this would be a one mile loop. Amy and Aimee provided details of their plan for the event; see their notes for details. Pledge packets will be sent home with students for fundraising. Having raffle prizes available for early returned pledge packets. Parents can donate raffle items for the drawing; possibly prior to the April RCO meeting. The event will likely need more than 24 parent volunteers. Parents could also participate in the running.
-Questions or ideas about the event can be sent to the co-conveners amsage@gmail.com and acode27@gmail.com .
Parent education session: Counseling (Curtis), Music (Stephanie) & PE (Betsy)
-Stephanie has been at Ridgeline for 2 months; she talked about getting to know the kids, and the various activities that each grade level is involved in. Note tones, beats, instrument family types, music in a round, rhythm, percussion, music as identity. One idea/goal would be to acquire approximately 30 – 40 ukuleles for the school, which could be started in Upper Elementary. One possibility would be to write a grant for the estimated $1500 cost of acquiring instruments.
-Curtis has been at Ridgeline since 2007; considers himself a “problem solver”. Provides classroom presentations on subjects including work habits, conflict resolution, communication, social skills, individual guidance, death & divorce counseling, new family members. Curtis helps students get their needs met appropriately. Helping kids with special needs that might inhibit their learning, such as health impairments, IAPs, learning disabilities. Curtis also works with 4J resources when kids’ needs exceed the capacity of his program. Time management and social skills work are very common needs.
-Betsy has been at Ridgeline for 2 years; she expressed gratitude to the parents for supporting PE. Lifetime wellness is the ultimate focus of her program: instilling a love of movement that will hopefully be with them through their entire lives. Betsy talked about the connections between movement, academics, brain development, learning, etc. She structures lessons around keeping everyone moving, everyone must be safe, being respectful, being helpful, fair and positive.
Admin Report (Chrystell)
-The 4J enrollment increase has been approved.
-Enrollment lottery drawing is coming up soon.
-Parent survey will be going out this Thursday in the e-News. The deadline will be prior to Spring Break. Results will be available at the next RCO meeting.
-Jennifer will host the next “Parents Time Out”; some discussion about raising the price above $10; possibly set the price at $15.
Board Report (David)
-Board deals with financial and personnel matters at the school. The meetings are held monthly, open to the public, and the board is still seeking to fill 2 positions. Particularly looking for people with legal or fundraising experience.
Site Council Report (None this meeting)