
The families, students and staff ARE Ridgeline. We're all here because we recognize that Ridgeline is different. It's amazing. The education our children receive at Ridgeline is, well, it's so hard to put into words what a unique community this is. We're all lucky to be a part of something so powerful.

The next question is... What does our Parent Group do?

The RCO's main objectives are:
  • To enrich the educational and social environment at the school
  • To encourage the involvement of parents and community members in the day-to-day activities of the school
  • To organize and implement fundraising and volunteerism
  • To serve as a link between the Site Council and the Ridgeline Montessori community
Most importantly, the RCO combines these objectives in it's goal to raise money that pays for key programs for our students. As the State of Oregon continues to cut back school funding, our fantastic parents have come together and committed to raise $40,000 each year to support the general fund. $40,000 is a lot of money. A lot. But the RCO knows the value in maintaining PE, music, counseling and scholarships for our students in these tough times.

It's one of the things that sets Ridgeline apart. That's why we're here.