Friday, November 7, 2014

RCO Meeting Minutes 11/4/2014

Ridgeline Community Organization (RCO)
Parent Council Meeting Minutes
November 4, 2014
Approximately 20 parents, 2 teachers and 8 students attending
**Parent Education Session: Montessori Math & “Common Core” curriculum
**Fundraising goal for the year is $40,000; $5,628 has been raised thus far.
**Parent education portion of the RCO meetings will be presented first, prior to other business.  Hopefully this will increase attendance at future meetings.
**Sales of T-shirts has been somewhat successful; plans to order bumper stickers for fundraising.  A budget of $200 was approved.
**Ridgeline School Board is seeking member to fill 2 vacancies; skills in fundraising, financial or legal matters are desired.
**Reminder to not use the private Wild Oaks road for access to the school.

Montessori Math (Cheri & Emily)
-Overview of Lower El Math:
Base 10 (first concrete, then representational, then abstract)
Memorization (division, multiplication tables)
Linear Counting (ability to count by 5s or 10s, for example)
Fractions (fraction families, finding equivalents,
Geometry (shapes, etc)
“Common Core” is a new set of standards adopted by many states nationwide.  Oregon had historically lagged behind in math.  Under common core, there is a de-emphasis of memorizing algorithms.  Instead the focus is on mathematical reasoning, ability to think about math conceptually, apply to a variety of settings.
Reminder that the Montessori model uses “readiness” prior to advancing to the next stage of math understanding, rather than which grade a child is in.
The Montessori “golden beads” are a good example of how the Montessori methods can mesh well with the new common core standards.  
Early exposure to geometric shapes and names has also been a part of the classic Montessori method, and is also encouraged and meshes well with common core.
Examples of an “array” shown by Emily; creates a physical way for students to represent multiplication or division problems. 
Fraction models are also a method to physically represent mathematical concepts.
Linear counting demonstrated as an example of how the concepts of volume are introduced.
Being able to describe why and how a math problem is solved is a big part of the common core standards, and many of the Montessori techniques prepare children for this.
Emily showed some of the examples student projects.
General discussion about how most of the Montessori tools and concepts (in math) translate very well into the common core model. 
The common core test is called “smarter balance”.  Students will be expected to explain how they got to an answer.
Question from a parent about how parents can also learn the math vocabulary used in Montessori.  Emily suggested practicing verbalizing our thought processing in day-to-day real-life situations in which we’re using math.
Next month the parent education session will by presented by Jen Wilde, who will discuss how to incorporate Montessori principles into the home, which will reinforce learning at school.
RCO Business (Rhonda and Christine)
-Fundraising goal for the year is $40,000.  These funds are used for the music, PE and counselor as well as scholarships for fieldtrips.  $4833 raised thus far through DDD, $795 raised from other fundraising.  Total funds = $5628. 
-Several upcoming events also scheduled.
-Encouragement to enroll in the Amazon Smile program. 
-Motion suggested to host the Parent Education portion of RCO meetings prior to the other topics; unanimously approved by vote.
-The RCO blog (Miriam) talked about wanting more materials for the blog, and asked for volunteers to submit materials to be posted.  Currently the blog is primarily notices of upcoming events and reminders about fundraising.
-Upcoming events include: Laughing Planet fundraiser, Barnes & Noble book fair, Grandparents day, OBOB, U-cut work party, Stone soup, Dancing Weasel fundraiser, talent show.
The U-cut Christmas tree fundraiser will be on November 22 (10am – 3pm).  Darcy talked about the work party, which will include blackberry cutting at the farm.  Tree sales will be during the first two weekends in December; Darcy is seeking 2 – 3 volunteers for each shift. 
Talent show will be on December 5th from 6-8PM.  Seeking volunteer to spearhead coordinating  the bake sale during the talent show.
T-shirt sales update (Michelle): approximately $200 were raised during the first Friday; many shirts remain.  There’s a plan to continue selling T-shirts as opportunities arise.  The shirts are now at half price, in an effort to reduce the stock of shirts.  In the future, group may consider pre-ordering shirts.  Also may include hoodie sweatshirts. 
Bumper stickers as a fundraiser will also be ordered.  A vote was taken in support of spending up to $200 on ordering stickers.
Darlene mentioned upcoming work parties to improve the theater.  
The “Parent’s Night Out” fundraiser will likely continue this year, spearheaded by Jennifer (Sophia Schultz’s mother)
Mazzi’s fundraiser planning is underway; Jenn Biota hopes to have two events to raise funds for DDD. 
Laughing Planet percentage has gone from 20% of total sales to 15%.
Other fundraisers to include Dancing Weasel (Dec 5 – 7) and potentially something at Sam Bond’s Garage.
Board Report (David)
-Financial and personnel matters are the primary foci of the Board.  These meetings are open the public; they are also recruiting.  Especially interested in people with financial, fundraising or legal skills.
-7 board positions total, 2 vacant.
Admin report
-Grandparents day coming up on November 14; the book fair is also this day.
-Math Club will begin on November 6th after school.
-Wild Oaks condominiums have again expressed concerns about Ridgeline students and parents using their private road, or blocking access to that road.
-Reminder about the “no dogs” policy on the campus.

-Send Cynthia email if you need childcare during the Barnes & Noble reading event.
-Suggestion that RCO meeting minutes be made available on the Ridgeline website (not just on the RCO blog).