Wednesday, October 7, 2015

RCO Meeting Minutes 10/6/2015

RCO Meeting


Attendance count:  29 (more came late)

Introductions (see attendance list)

Ground Rules and intro of Minute Taker (told everyone to stay on task)

Parent Education

                Chrystell Reed talked about UCC and the recent tragedy in Roseburg and all recent school shootings.  She said that our strength at Ridgeline comes from our community and communication.  Talking to our students and body about connecting can help.  She said there are a lot of opinions on gun laws but that is not our topic tonight.  How do we keep our students safe.  CR read from Core Values (inclusive, creative, direct communication, safety, and many other wonderful values that are key at Ridgeline). Safety is always at the forefront of our minds.  Not just here but when they go out on field trips.  And not just physical safety but also emotional safety.  CR asked the parent body to keep us informed about any concerns that come up close to school.  She gave an example of a call from a parent informing of a close by emergency that took our school into lock down, prior to being informed by EPD.  CR said that we have such a close-knit community and that it is tempting to text staff members during emergencies but to please not do this.  Your texting the staff could take them away from other important tasks.  The front door is the only door that is unlocked during school hours.  People can only get into the other building by getting buzzed it. Upgrades from the end of last school year include enhancements to the exterior doors to all classrooms.  These doors are all now locked once someone goes through the door.  Ridgeline also upgraded lock system so that all staff now have a single key that unlocks any door on the campus.  This makes a huge difference for access.  Ridgeline also installed an intercom system and we can now do an “all page” or just within the individual buildings.  Something that we don’t necessarily have control over is that we don’t have a high pedestrian or vehicle traffic coming through our campus as we have at other sites.  The majority of our campus is fenced in.  We want people to feel safe when they are here and we want the students to feel safe when they are here.

                Safety procedures and protocols, we have the safety plan that is updated and reviewed each August.  We have an emergency team where we discuss roles and timelines, how we communicate with parents, how we might reunify, if needed.  Ridgeline has a tool box that includes 4J’s emergency procedure manual.  Any time we have a drill, staff grabs that document and it helps to guide the process.  It includes class lists, emergency numbers, lots of resources.

                With the intercom system, we have adopted the stand response protocol.  This gives consistent verbiage to the various types of drills and emergencies.  For instance, if there is a LOCK DOWN we would say “Lock Down, Locks. Lights.  Out of sight.” Then we would know via communication where every student is and where they are.  A LOCK OUT is a little different.  This would mean there might be something that happened close by but we are on a heightened alert.  Evacuate would be something that might require us to leave the building orderly.  Highly visible Exit signs.  We also have a badge system and a sign in system.  It is important that all visitor sign in.  Green means you can move through the building.  If your badge is pink, you need to have a staff member escort you. 

                Recently updated sexual conduct policy also drafted and adopted by the board.  This ensures that students are safe and that they are being interacted with appropriately.  CR gave the example of hugging a child when sometimes they might need a hug, but to ensure that it is a brief hug.  If students are hugging each other, that it is appropriate contact. 

                Monthly drills are typically announced drills.  But over the course of the year, Ridgeline will conduct unannounced drills.  It can be overwhelming and cause anxiety.  Teachers and staff are working with our students so that their anxiety is lessened. 

                CR opened it to questions:

                Q. Is this the standard safety protocol?

                A. This is a part of it

                Q. Has the staff had ALICE training?

                A. This Friday, Oct 9.  This is shooter response training.

                Q. Is ALICE a one-time thing?

                A. CR responded, “My understanding is a one-time training.”

                Q. Is there a check list or something to remind us at home about safety and various safety topics? Something to give us a bit of an idea or start a conversation at home about this.

                A. We have a strict policy about no weapons, even toy weapons. CR gave example about playing an imaginary game that included guns.  Some students felt really unsafe and so we had a conversation with the students.  We don’t want to limit imaginary play, but when it impacts someone feeling safe, we have to have these boundaries in place.

                Q. Do you think we could have something put together by EDP that would detail more safety procedures and policies?  What is the policy?

                A. Absolutely no weapons at school.

                Q. Is there also a buzzer for the front door?

                A. A staff member just brought that up and so this is now a conversation we are having.

                Q. What are you telling the students that this drill is for? I just want to make sure they understand this is a serious situation.

                A. Your student is being told that our drills are to keep you safe.  For example our first fire drill is a new experience for some students and so it is emphasized why it is so important to remain quiet through the drill.

                A parent mentioned that you could talk to your child pediatrician of you wanted to get additional resources on safety, fire arms, etc.  Also, along the lines of what our students perceive during the drill, it opens a conversation with our students.  We got to talk about following your teachers’ instructions and also to say if your teacher could not give instructions, then you should hide.

                Q. Do you anticipate that you will change any policies this year based on ALICE training?

                A. I am not sure the policy would change but the procedures might change.

                Q. Can we put the ALICE training on the agenda for the next RCO?

                A. TBD

                Q. Are there supplies at Ridgeline like food and water?

                A. We do need to get these supplies back in place.  Pre-fire, we did have these items. There were suggestions about getting donations from parents and putting up a wish list.

                Q. What is the way you would communicate with parents?

                A. Right now, phone call (Autodial) and email.

Site Council  (Yaeko Rodriguez)

                YR introduces the site Council and gave a quick update.  She said they are unique bc they consist of board, staff, and parent.  One of the items they work on is the school improvement plan.  She updated up on the improvement plan.  Sharon Dursi-Martin does this.  Three main goals she put together: Program, academic performance math, academic performance language arts.  SDM said we out preformed the state.  The main goal for the coming year is to make sure we continue along that growth. We are taking on the whole child goal.  Whole child is a program set up to look at all aspects of the child.  There are 5 categories and we are selecting one per year.  This year is sustainability.  Recruiting and staffing, creating a consistency in staffing, retention of staff.  YR has the entire report available.  She also talked about SC retreat over the summer.  They talked about what would be on the agenda for the entire year. Survey, attendance, something from admin to help out with the school’s daily tasks.

Board Report (David Vazquez and Amy Sage)

                DV said “The board talks about policy.  We meet the third Thursday of each month.  The meetings are open and please feel free to attend.  We also handle fundraising.  RCO fundraises for the general fund.  The board FR’s for the capital campaign.  The CC pays for the building.”


Admin Report (CR)

                Off to a great start.  5 new staff members.  New PE, Music, upper el (they are Montessori trained).  Oct 17th is a work party.  We always need more help.  Sharon Ladner, from design bridge, will install part of the brick pathway during the work party. In July and August the board approved paying down $90K toward the mortgage that is held by ECS. What that means is that the balloon payment is now $158K do in April 2017.

                Cynthia talked about vision screening and results being sent out Friday.   Bike and Walk to School day is tomorrow from Tugman Park and Crossfire church. 

RCO Business

Misenga talked about B & W to school at Tugman.  Three adult leaders will bring kids in on bikes.  Leaving at 8:10.  Between 8:10 and 8:15, we will leave from Crossfire.  Having the students using Crossfire’s parking lot has really made a difference.  There will be snack and ribbons at school for them.  Also a raffle to win bike helmets, razor scooter, bottles.  Any student is eligible.  They include bus takers and car poolers.  Additional bike rack is forthcoming. Parents are also welcome to walk. 


Michelle explained the different fundraisers. 

Capital Campaign which is FR for the building. 

General Fund pays for PE, counseling, Music, and include the DDD.  For the DD portion, we want to raise $30K.  The other FR activities (diners, events, etc) will help to raise the additional $10K.

$680 raised at Laughing Planet event.

Other FR portions:

Teacher materials.  The Barnes and Noble, Scholastic book orders, talent show, etc.  news on Dancing Weasel, was not really a great FR for us.

Escript sign up!  But Safeway is no longer participating.  Easy to sign up. Online Mall includes a forget-me-not button that makes it easy to remember to shop.  Amazon, LL Bean, and 600 more vendors connected. 

Community Events for us to get together for fun and not for raising money.  For instance, Darcy is doing the talent show.  January talent show. Anything but gymnastics or dangerous movements. 

But back to the DDD…

DDD ends December 18 and runs shorter this year ($2839 so far).  See the green sheet.  We are asking each family to contribute $150.  That will give us our $30K.  The rest will come from FRing through the year.  The DDD is about not selling wrapping paper and cookie dough.  This is a great way to contribute without having your kids sell or solicit. 

A parent asked about available grants and whether or not the school qualifies.  CR explained that grants don’t generally fund operating budget items but rather new programs or materials.


Parent support group

Info went home on Friday and CR talked about having a connection with other parents.  It is a7 week commitment.  First mtg is Monday, Oct 19. Q. Is this something that you will offer again?  CR said possibly.  A parent suggest a different time or date for future sessions. Does include child care. 


Rhonda talked about OBOB. Oct 14 will be first meeting for 6-8 grade and Oct 16 will be first meeting for 3-5th grade.