Parent Group Meetings

Every parent or guardian of an enrolled child is automatically 
a member of the parent council called the 
Ridgeline Community Organization (RCO). 

The primary task of the RCO is fundraising. As Ridgeline parents we volunteer our time, energy, and knowledge in order to raise additional funds for our school to cover the ever growing gap in school financing. 

We are able to decide how and when to raise the funds, and each year we also decide how the funds are distributed.  Currently the RCO raises funds to pay for Ridgeline's PE and music programs, as well as a part-time student counselor and field trip scholarships. Providing these services for Ridgeline students is a high priority for the RCO as many local schools have been forced to cut these programs.

What happens at a typical meeting?

1. Parents hear a brief update from the Board of Directors, the Administration, Site Council, any active committees, and Ridgeline's Volunteer Coordinator.

2. We discuss upcoming events or fundraisers and make decisions and/or plans as needed.
3. Any new RCO business or proposals are shared and voted on.
4. We usually reserve the last 30 minutes for a speaker/presentation.

During the 2012-13 school year presentations included: math in the lower elementary Montessori classroom, the transition to the new Common Core standards, and Ridgeline's capital campaign.

Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month
6:00–7:30 p.m in the library. 
Childcare is always provided.

Plus parents earn volunteer time when they attend these monthly meetings. 
Please join us!!